• Blood Circulation & The Longevity Connection

    Posted on November 9, 2017 by in port charlotte vein treaments, Uncategorized

    circulationWhile it may not be the first thing that would come to mind if someone asked you – “What do you think the key to living a long and healthy life is?” Circulation and microcirculation, according to new research, may just be the primary contributing factors.

    Optimal microcirculation is what enables long-distance runners to outperform the average person with the same heart rate.

    Listen to what is leading top researchers to this conclusion:

    Circulation delivers oxygen as well as nutrients to every cell in the body. Simultaneously they work to remove waste and toxins, clearing the cells. Blood flow also helps to regulate blood pressure as well as temperature.

    According to Express.co.Uk, those with good circulation live longer when compared to those with compromised or diminished blood flow.

    A connection between circulation and longevity was linked by research done on a group in Italy who had a median age of 92. It was concluded that the Mediterranean diet, exercise, and genetic markers all played a role.

    Those that lived to the age of 100 or older presented elevated levels of a chemical called Bio-ADM. Bio-ADM boosts blood flow in the capillaries to the levels of those in their 70’s.

    La Sapienza University held a pilot study which took a look at those in the province of Salerno located in southern Italy.

    Women in this area live to an average of 92 while men live to 85. Those ads up to 8 and 6 years longer than anywhere else in Italy, respectively. The control group was made up of 29 people in the 90-year-old and above age range. The second group was made up of 52 with a median age of 60. They were then compared to a group of 194 healthy adults with a median age of 64.

    The Findings:

    It was concluded that the 90 and aboves’ bio-ADM levels were just as low as those in both groups containing their younger counterparts.

    The spokesperson for the German diagnostic company Sphingotec, Andreas Bergmann, said: “We are excited about the connection between bio-ADM levels and a good microcirculation as an indicator of good quality of life.”

    Professor Salvatore Di Somma was quoted as saying: “Very low concentrations of this biomarker indicate a microcirculatory system allowing good blood perfusion of organs and muscles. If bio-ADM proves to be a reliable biomarker for longevity this will open up the avenue to a systematic analysis of the factors contributing to longevity.”

    Researchers are set to explore if elements of the Mediterranean diet can directly affect bio-ADM levels.

    So it appears that blood circulation on a genetic level, when combined with a Mediterranean diet and exercise, may just hold the key to the fountain of youth. We look forward to hearing the ultimate outcome of their research.

    Taking care of your circulatory system is important. If you notice that your legs feel heavy, painful, swollen, or you can see visible veins visit our site for a FREE online vein screening to help ensure the future health of your body, veins and possibly even boost your longevity!


    The post Blood Circulation & The Longevity Connection appeared first on Sarasota Vein Specialists | Vein Treatment For Spider Veins & Varicose Veins.

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